Sunday, November 26, 2006

Celebrate The Tenth Annual Bridges Conference

Celebrate the Tenth Annual Bridges Conference


Mathematics, Music, Art, Architecture, Culture

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Bridges: Mathematical Connections in Art, Music, and Science
School of Architecture, The University of the Basque Country
San Sebastian (Donostia), Spain

July 24-27, 2007

The conference consists of a 4-day combination of Bridges Conference
activities (July 24, 26, and 27) and an excursion day to Bilbao (July
25). Please visit the Announcement page at the conference website for
a complete announcement.


The Bridges Conferences, running annually since 1998, bring together
practicing mathematicians, scientists, artists, educators, musicians,
writers, computer scientists, sculptors, dancers, weavers, model
builders in a lively atmosphere of exchange and mutual encouragement.

Important components of these conferences, in addition to formal
presentations, include hands-on workshops, gallery displays of visual
art, working sessions with artists who are crossing the
mathematics-arts boundaries, and musical/theatrical events in the


You are invited to submit either a short (two pages) or long (at most
eight pages) paper that presents new work within the scope of the
Bridges conference. Papers must be submitted as Microsoft Word or PDF
to The deadline for paper submission is
Febrary 1, 2007. This deadline is firm! If electronic submission is
impossible, please contact Reza Sarhangi to make other arrangements.
Authors will be notified of acceptance on March 25, 2007, and final
papers will be due on April 23.


There will be several teacher workshops for K-12 teachers and educators
at the 2007 Bridges Conference. If you are interested in making a
presentation in one of these workshops you need to submit either a
short (two page) or long (eight page) paper; The deadlines for
submissions of preliminary and final versions are the same as for the
contributed papers.


At the conference, there will be an exhibition room for 2D and 3D
mathematical art, ranging from computer graphics to quilts to
geometrical sculptures. This art exhibit will be curated by Robert
Fathauer. All submitted artwork will undergo a refereeing process.
There is a limit of five submissions per artist. Images of accepted
artworks will also be published on the conference CD.


There is a registration fee of US $180 that includes a copy of the
Proceedings. Extra proceedings will be available during the conference
with a price of US $50. There is a special discounted rate for
students, artists whose expenses are not otherwise supported, and K-12
teachers. Please visit the Registration page at the conference


Participants have a choice of staying in the campus facilities
(comparable to a three star hotel and within walking distance of the
conference site) or staying in a nearby hotels (a list of hotels is
provided in the Accommodations section of the Bridges website).


You have received this message because you are subscribed to a mailing
list for Bridges-related announcements. If you would like to manage
your subscription, please visit the mailing list web page at

Anyone interested in joining the list may send email to


For any other information not available on the web page please
contact: Reza Sarhangi, Department of Mathematics, Towson University,
8000 York Road, Towson, MD 21252, (410) 704-4922.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Alligator Cubed

Climax 4 by Mirela Roznoveanu

Presently, Dan Waber has some interesting math-poetry related images on his Blog that I would like to draw to attention. There is an interesting series of works by Mirela Roznoveanu that I would like to note, have verbogeometric properties. Although the pieces are not explicitly mathematical (they do not show equations) they do show graphic ideas in space implicitly related to a Cartesian coordinate system.

Because they are so abstract they can have numerous contexts applied to them pointing to meanings just as numerous. The resultant aesthetic experience is a vector sum of all the contexts applied. Of course this is my personal take on this and I will certainly give you room to express your own viewpoint.

Alligator Cubed by Jeff Crouche

The other piece I want to point out is Jeff Crouche’s “Alligators cubed” This is a perfect example of visual mathematical poem. (a nice one at that)
and thanks to Marko Niemi for keeping me on my toes

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Applications For Verbogeometry

Shown above is a three-dimensional verbogeometric polyhedral

Applications for Verbogeometry

Neal Goldman, a mathematician has come up with a single verbogeometric polytope to analyze huge amounts of data. Business week online has recently published an article talking about Goldman’s polytope and you can access this article here. I was proposing someone write a polytope poem in my blog entry on August 14, 2006. Goldman’s polytope is not a poem but it can be viewed as a hyper-dimensional verbogeometric structure.

I would like to present an excerpt from the article to arouse your curiosity:

How do you convert written words into math? Goldman says it takes a combination of algebra and geometry. Imagine an object floating in space that has an edge for every known scrap of information. It's called a polytope and it has near-infinite dimensions, almost impossible to conjure up in our earthbound minds. It contains every topic written about in the press. And every article that Inform processes becomes a single line within it. Each line has a series of relationships. A single article on Bordeaux wine, for example, turns up in the polytope near France, agriculture, wine, even alcoholism. In each case, Inform's algorithm calculates the relevance of one article to the next by measuring the angle between the two lines.

Here is the link to the original article from business week online

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Journal of Mathematics and the Arts

I would like to spotlight a new Journal on Mathematics and Art. Edited by Professor Gary R. Greenfield from the University of Richmond in Virginia … I will keep you posted when the first issue comes out.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Upcoming Show in Chicago

For over twenty-five years, PHSColograms, the integration of photography,holography, sculpture, and computer graphics, have created a post-canvas three-dimensional medium that has expanded the visual imagery of the work of a variety of scientists, mathematicians, engineers, architects, and artists.

Paradox. The vessel is a metaphor of our human existence, the body symbolized as a box or bowl is the vessel for the soul. The paradox between the need to belong and the need for individuality; attraction and repulsion; the inside and the outside; materiel expansion and contraction.

Paul V. Galvin Library, Illinois Institute of Technology
35 West 33rd Street, Chicago, IL 60616

Exhibition hours: Monday - Thursday: 12 - 6 pm, Friday: 12 - 5 pm
Saturday: 8:30 am - 5 pm, Sunday: 2 - 6 pm