Monday, September 29, 2014

Bridges Seoul - David Chappell and Intrinsic Coordinates

I was honored to be included in the Show at Bridges Seoul in September. Below is an image of the work I had in the show.

In addition, I would like to share the following link that is an collection of all of the mathematical-art expressions from that show.

One of my favorite pieces was the work of David Chappell. What I enjoy the most about his work is the complexity that he achieves with such simple equations. In addition I find intrinsic coordinate systems fascinating.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

La Logic Assassine by Adon Lacroix

Here is a visual poem with the intention of being a anti mathematical poem.

Design and type-set by man ray for the poem “La Logic Assassine” by Adon Lacroix, 1919

"ONE" acquired by the Gwacheon National Science Museum (국립과천과학관)

I am pleased to mention that my mathematical visual poem "ONE" was recently acquired by the Gwacheon National Science Museum (국립과천과학관) in South Korea.

Karl Kempton - Meditation Formula

Here is something recent from Karl Kempton.

Disappointment - by Anonymous Poet

I found this orthogonal space poem at the following link. I have no idea who created it however, it follows the rules of an orthogonal space poem perfectly. It is also interesting to note that it was found on a Buddhist website ... Hmmm - even more interesting to me.