Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Kaz Maslanka @ Perry Meyer Fine Art

 While it is not mathematical poetry, I am very happy to have my work shown at Perry Meyer Fine Art in San Diego.

The work in this show presents some of my much older expressions with time exposure photos from 1983 to 2000. Related to this work is, Biomorpheus, the multimedia piece I did in 1983. On the second and fourth slide you will notice images floating on the landscape made of light. I produced these images by making giant stencils out of cardboard and painting light through the opening. On slide two the whale images are 12 feet long which means that I took a 12 foot by 4 foot long piece of cardboard, drew a picture of a whale and then cut it out leaving a hole to which I could paint light. 

I recently posted a video of this on youtube. see it here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2mXnKUwFv8


Painting on the body with light - from 2000:


Friday, October 07, 2022

My Friend Karl has a new book

 My Friend, Karl Kempton has a new book with selected mathematical visual poems that he has created over the years. His work is quite different from mine which is interesting in itself. What I love the most about Karl's work is that it is an expression of his spiritual work. Much of the visual poetry out there is more about "how" something is being said instead of "what" is being said. His work is not harmless and safe like so much of what is being done out there.

Purchase his new book here:  https://www.coldriverpress.com/HTML/AUTHORS/kempton/kempton.htm

Here is a tiny example of what is in the book:



Here is another piece:


and another: