Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Chauvinistic Mathpo

I have been hesitant to post this on my blog because I really don’t appreciate sexist humor. However, the text above has been sent to me numerous times from all types of people including my sister! However, I must admit that I do find this interesting because it is an example of mathematical poetry that shows there are no boundaries for this aesthetic form. It also has elements of mathematical vispo. (Namely the square root of evil equating to the root of all evil)

It is also curious to note a bit of a disconnect in how the author of this poem mathematically defines women as purely time and money. But verbally states that they require time and money.

I feel there can be philosophical discourse revolving around this poem but I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole.


  1. Hi Kaz!

    This is hilarious and your comments regarding the poem and its inner logic are delightful I am glad you took the risk to post this. I got a real kick out of it. I LOVE your blog and have to link it to mine! Thanks so much for visisting my space. I think you are so cool! Have a terrific weekend.



Any Questions May Be Addressed To Kazmandu AT aol DOT com