Monday, July 09, 2007

Korean Dog Dream In Spain

I am grateful and honored to have “Dog Dream” accepted into the show Bridges Donostia in San Sebastian, Spain. July 24-27, 2007

Dog DreamThis is my first Korean artwork

The Korean text translates as:

Dog Dream = Irrationality / Importance
The equation is in the form of an orthogonal space poem


  1. I love that image, that is gorgeous! Where can I find more of their work?

  2. Candy,
    I assume you mean the mathartists from the bridges show. I have links to many of them in my VISMATH section.

    The dog dream image is mine ... THANKS for dropping by!


  3. I love the Dogdream image...I'm going to link it to my blog!


Any Questions May Be Addressed To Kazmandu AT aol DOT com