Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Reza Sarhangi - At The AMS Show in San Diego - January

The next few days I am going to diverge from mathematical poetry and display some of the visual mathematics work done by many talented people who have their work admitted to the American Mathematical Society mathart show coming up in January. The following image is by Reza Sarhangi and Robert Fathauer (see Robert's work)
Reza is one of, if not the most important person in the vismath genre for Reza is the nucleus of the Bridges conference on mathematical connections in art music and science. He is a very special man and I really appreciate everything he has done and continues to do for the genre.

This print was inspired by Abu’l-Wefa Buzjani's (10th Century Persian mathematician) construction of a regular heptagon contained in his treatise, “On Those Parts of Geometry Needed by Craftsmen”. His construction is illustrated by the linework in the center portion of the print. The characters around the perimeter of the design repeat Buzjani’s name in Farsi.

Reza Sarhangi, Professor of Mathematics, Towson University and Robert Fathauer, Small business owner, puzzle designer, and artist, Tessellations Company

Reza Sarhangi is interested in Persian geometric art and its historical methods of construction, which he explores using the computer software Geometer's Sketchpad. Robert Fathauer creates digital artworks on a Macintosh computer, primarily using the commercial programs FreeHand and Photoshop.


  1. Great stuff...as usual Kaz!

    hey it's noon on Dec. 31, 2007...I stopped by to wish you a wonderful happy new years!!!

    I am very glad to know you through blogging and look forward to anothr year of your interesting posts!

    All the best, fame fortuneandloveto you for 2008!




  2. Thanks Candy! It is nice to know you as well and happy holidays to you and yours!



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