Monday, May 06, 2013

New From Karl Kempton

This is a new little diddy from Karl Kempton. I am not sure if he had a title for it but if I could title this piece, I would title it: "I don't trust language"


  1. magnificent thought!
    magnificent equation!
    love it!
    really got me going!
    but 1??????
    no, i would have thought
    2 to the power of 3 (more)!
    love + anarchy

  2. Glad to see you are still around TT.O.

  3. dear kaz
    i always drop in every now and then
    for a squiz, but back to business
    with all due respect:
    is nothing divided by nothing One?
    is One divided by One, One???
    How can that be when the Greeks maintained that One was not a number.
    But what my thinking “into” took me to
    was Biology
    and the “division” of cells.
    hence ÷ ÷ ÷ = 23
    or to be more precise
    i was thinking of it as an “utterance”
    and trying to make sense of it that way
    i understand the seductive urge
    of the quintessential aesthetic
    as layed down by Euler’s equation
    ei +1 = 0
    but if division is ambiguous as a number
    then utterance may be the go
    i still love the thought of 3 divisions tho!
    love + anarchy

  4. TT.O. - I appreciate your imagination and efforts to push the boundaries. But I always try to stay connected to mathematical rules at least when approaching the language. I think nothing divided by nothing would be considered in the category of “undefined” (if we asked a mathematician) - much like zero divided by zero. As artists we always enjoy pondering things that are mathematically undefined yet, when we do we always seem to leave the realm of mathematics and enter into the space of our undisciplined imagination - but as I see it, for things to be clear, we must have structure - I believe that metaphors can be irrational but the structure that holds them must make sense mathematically.

    Again – thanks for dropping by – I always appreciate your views.


  5. Dear kaz
    why you think that you are
    dealing in anything other than metaphor is beyond me!
    love + anarchy

  6. Dear TT.O.
    What would give you the idea that I thought we were dealing with something other than metaphor?
    love + Clarity

  7. Dear Kaz
    when you say “ I always try to stay connected to mathematical rules at least when approaching the language” it seems to me a negation of metaphor some how – as tho metaphor were somehow outside mathematics. Or when you say “As artists we always enjoy pondering things that are mathematically undefined yet, when we do we always seem to leave the realm of mathematics” it seems you are lamenting leaving “strict” mathematical protocol, assuming that its possible to be that “mathematical strict” in the realm of symbols and language, and further, that you have previously been able to stay “within” mathematics . Or when you say “for things to be clear, we must have structure - I believe that metaphors can be irrational but the structure that holds them must make sense mathematically” it seems to me that you think (a) metaphor does not have structure -- only it does Kaz, eg A = B but means C, which is a highly structured equation, and (b) that metaphor is “irrational”??????? Irrational??????? With all due respect Kaz “division division division = 1” is what is structurally “irrational”, at least in the realm of propositional mathematics; but not so if thought of as a “metaphorical” operation. All the above quotes are from your previous reply to me in a single-paragraph, which makes me think yes you aren’t thinking/talking metaphor. Looking for some kind of operational-linguistic-absolutism in mathematical-poetry seems a doomed enterprise -- either an equation sits comfortably within the rules of existing mathematic(s) or else it’s the impetus to spin out a vortex
    love + anarchy


Any Questions May Be Addressed To Kazmandu AT aol DOT com