Friday, December 14, 2007

Michael Field - At The AMS Show in San Diego - January

The next few days I am going to diverge from mathematical poetry and display some of the visual mathematics work done by many talented people who have their work admitted to the American Mathematical Society mathart show coming up in January.

The following Image is by the mathartist Michael Field. Looking at these small jpegs is quite an injustice to these works. If you see them in person, you will be amazed at the complexity of texture. I have loved professor Field’s work since the first time I saw it at Bridges.

Part of a repeating pattern of type pmg. The pattern was generated using a smooth symmetric torus mapping and then lifted to the plane. The colors reflect the density of an associated absolutely continuous invariant measure.
Michael Field, Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of Houston

Mathartist Statement:

"All of my art work is based on ideas rooted in dynamical systems, chaotic dynamics and invariant measures (part of my field of research). I developed all the software, algorithms and coloring used for these images. I also built the computers used to generate the images and printed these images myself.
My interest primarily lies in the ways in which one can achieve certain desired artistic effects using a "mathematical palette" (as opposed to using images toilluminate the mathematics)."

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