Friday, January 27, 2006

Distance and Visual Poetry

The piece, “DISTANCE”, shows how the concepts of velocity and time tessellate a plane in an infinitely woven tapestry of distance.

The piece above “distance” is a little different for me for it is influenced by new information I have learned from the ‘visual poetry’ movement. The piece has elements of visual poetry that I have never used before. It functions in two different ways. One way it functions mathematically as a visual paradigm for a physics tenant of kinematics. Notice a paradigm is not a metaphor it is a simile. The Second way it functions is mathematical vispo because it performs math operations on text. The bottom line is that I would not call it mathematical poetry as such because we are not performing mathematical operations on words as meaning with the intent for connotation. However we are performing math operations on text and I reiterate that I feel this is in the realm of mathematical vispo. Check out Geof Huths amazing blog if you want to understand all the branches of visual poetry.

On a side note here is a visual poem I made for Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino titled “church” It is inspired by and uses his math poem, “change + purse = church”

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