Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Two New Books

I am happy to announce that I was a part of a couple of new books that was published last summer.
My work finds itself in the intersection of many aesthetics and this is evident by looking at the content of both of these two books.  The first book mentioned specializes in the area where mathematics meets visual art. From my point of view it focuses primarily on the aesthetics of thinking but also approaches the aesthetics of direct sensory experience.  Most of the work.

in this book is done by people trained in mathematics who have a passion for making it visual. The difficult aspect of this genre is that you must have a bit of a math background.  The more background you have the more you will appreciate.

"Experience-centered Approach and Visuality in The Education of Mathematics and Physics."  ISBN 978-963-9821-52-1
Co-Authored by Javier Barrallo, Mateja Budin, Anthony Durity, Fenyvesi Kristof, Slavik Jablan, Klingne Takacs Anna, Ljiljana Radovic, Radmila Sazdanovic  and Stettner Eleonora  

The second book shown here Edited by Nico Vassilakis and Crag Hill is titled “The Last Vispo” an anthology of visual poetry spanning 20 years from 1998 to 2008  ISBN-13: 978-1-60699-626-3
The primary focus on this book is a confluence of poetics with visual art (Visual Poetry / Concrete Poetry).  Lots of interesting essays as well as a lot of good vispo.  

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