A Math Art Moment #12
In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it’s the exact opposite. —Paul Dirac
To see more delineations click here
In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it’s the exact opposite. —Paul Dirac
To see more delineations click here
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:34 AM 5 comments
Labels: creativity, math art moment, mathart, science and art
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lotto, Polyaesthetics, similar triangles poems
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 6:39 PM 3 comments
Labels: batman, math jokes, mathematical humor
Here is a Polyaesthetic piece with a 'Similar Triangles Poem' titled "Freshness"
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: Freshness, Polyaesthetics, similar triangles poems
I have noticed many small mathematical poems on the internet that are in the form of A+B=C . This form is a perfectly legitimate form however, there are times when I think the author intended you to understand it in terms of A*B=C . There is some confusion as to what is the difference between addition and multiplication within the realm of mathematical poetry. I would love to hear anyone try to explain the difference between the two. In the mean time I have posted a piece above that asks that very question.
The piece is titled: “THE QUESTION OF DE CHIRICO” and it poses the question: “Is the image on the right side of the piece equal to the ideas of Baltimore times De Chirico or is the image equal to the ideas of Baltimore plus De Chirico?
I invite anyone to choose between the two statements and explain why and I will post the answers.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:39 AM 4 comments
Labels: Baltimore, De Chirico, orthogonal space poem, Visual Mathematical Poetry
Here is another Similar Triangles Poem entitled "The Kings Crown"
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:31 AM 1 comments
Labels: Light, Mathematical Poetry, similar triangles poems
This entry is a polyaesthetic piece titled "Natural Selection" the structure of the poem inside is a similar triangle poem.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:23 AM 5 comments
Labels: Mutation, Natural Selection, Polyaesthetics, similar triangles poems
Read me first
In this section of the side bar there are four articles.
The first article is a paper that was published in the journal of mathematics and the arts titled “Polyaesthetics and Mathematical Poetry”. This paper is a good introduction to Mathematical Poetry for it shows some of the main ideas as well as some techniques used to create mathematical poetry. One of the more important ideas it addresses is that of mathematical metaphor. The paper addresses basic theory as well as providing examples.
The second article is a paper published in the 2006 Bridges Proceedings titled “Verbogeometry, The confluence of words and analytic geometry” This paper explains the mechanics of how mathematical poetry can use Cartesian space as a medium for words. It provides examples of analytic geometry as well as the mathematical poetic counterpart.
The third article is an interview published online at word for/word a journal of new writing. The interview was conducted by poet/theoretician Gregory Vincent Thomasino and is formulated in three groups of questions. The first group of questions is about the influences of Kaz Maslanka and the second and third address mathematical poetic theory.
The forth article is a list of terminology that is related to the area where the arts and mathematics meet.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:15 AM 4 comments
Labels: Mathematical Poetry, Polyaesthetics, Taxonomy, Verbogeometry
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 10:02 PM 4 comments
Labels: cedar swamp, collaborative substitution poem, delaware river, Mathematical substitution, similar triangles poems
I actually made a mistake on my last blog entry. I meant to post the two similar triangles poems (above). If you were on your toes you would have noticed that the last blog entry was actually the same equation (poem) solved for different terms. Today’s entry is two different poems that also share a common term. What is interesting is what we will do with these two poems on the next blog entry. Can you guess what I will do?
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Labels: cedar swamp, delaware river, similar triangles poems
Here are a couple of similar triangles poems inspired by a romantic encounter around ‘Cedar Swamp’ on the Delaware River. Notice that they both have one term in common.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:20 AM 0 comments
I would like to address a comment made in reference to the piece “Peano’s String; A History of Spiritual Stories”(displayed above) … the following (text in green) is a copy of a comment from my blog entry “New Work Accepted At The Bridges Show In Leeuwarden Netherlands Aug 2008”:
This is a strange place. Im all for maths, dont get me wrong. Anyone who's any good at maths needs to make it part of themself but democrats? Abraham? maths is made a cliche with these comparisons. Everything can be expressed in maths but some things shouldnt. Just make a billboard with euler's formula
My response:
I appreciate you giving me some feedback to my blog and I would love to engage you in discourse on any concerns that you may have. I am certainly not going to imply that I am always correct in my assumptions of anything. Furthermore I consider myself a student.
I want to note that I may not defend mathematical poems made by others so if you wish to criticize the axiomatic poem concerning Barack Obama and the democrats you may wish to address your concerns to its author. I also wish to make this same disclaimer concerning any mathematical poetry posted on this blog that is not authored by me. However, I will be happy to address any concerns or criticism involving my work. My Job at this blog is to promote interest in mathematical poetry not criticize it. Yet, I may someday express criticism of someones work if I feel “the discipline” of mathematical poetry is being subverted.
To get to your concerns let’s look at the term cliché and what Wikipedia has to say about it:
A cliché (from French, pronounced [klɪ'ʃe]) is a phrase, expression, or idea that has been overused to the point of losing its intended force or novelty, especially when at some time it was considered distinctively forceful or novel. The term is most likely to be used in a negative context.
It seems that you have applied this term ‘cliché’ to my axiomatic poem titled, “Peano’s String; A History of Spiritual Stories”. So I can only assume that there is something about this mathematical poem that you would consider overused. It is hard to imagine that you may be referring to mathematical poetry in general since there is so little of it. What is it that is overused here? Is your concern related to my references to biblical history? Are you feeling that I have taken biblical references out of context in jest? I can only say that while I can see how one may find this mathematical poem humorous, the root of it can be taken very serious. Maybe, what you may really be trying to say, is that mathematical poetry is aesthetically trivial. This may be is a little more difficult for me to defend due to my belief that just because I find something beautiful I can never assume that anyone else would find it such. However, I do find mathematical poetry extremely beautiful especially in its use of dual aesthetics. My fear is that you, or anyone else for that matter, will discard this entire proposition and never really answer the following questions.
I am not going to discount that you may provide an argument to the idea that my work is cliché and trivial but I would hope you address the latter questions within your argument.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 10:51 AM 8 comments
Labels: art criticism, axiomatic poems, Mathematical Poetry
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Labels: Korea, San Shin, similar triangles poems
Here is another “Similar Triangle Poem” Titled “General Music” Inspired by the differences in their philosophy of battle execution.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 12:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: similar triangles poems, war
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Buddhism, Korea, limits, Mathematical Poetry, paradox
Here is a new piece titled "The Empty Paradox"
C= Compassion and W= Wisdom
The Chinese character is 'Buddha's mind'
So we have C multiplied times W equals the limit of (1/x) as 'x' approaches Buddha's mind.
The equation is the familiar function of x equal to 1/x which yields a hyperbolic curve when graphed and results an asymptote when x = 0. Compassion multiplied by Wisdom is equal to 1 over X as the limit of X approaches Buddha’s mind. Buddhist philosophy tells us that Buddha’s mind is emptiness yet the philosophy also tells us that emptiness is different than nothingness or zero. In fact it is quite paradoxical for we are told that emptiness is very much something. This piece also uses visual imagery for poetic expression with Buddhist symbolism of flexibility and eternity represented by bamboo and pine trees respectively.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 10:43 PM 6 comments
Here is the Korean version of the Similar Triangle Poem titled “The Gift of San Shin / 산신 의 선물
” shown in the previous post.
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 9:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Korea, San Shin, similar triangles poems
Here is another Similar Triangles Poem inspired by the Korean Mountain spirit San Shin 산신
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 11:16 AM 0 comments
Labels: Korea, San Shin, similar triangles poems
Gregory Vincent St Thomasino Interviews Kaz Maslanka
I am happy to announce that my interview with The Poet/Philosopher Gregory Vincent St Thomasino has now been published at Word For/Word. I was fortunate enough to have met Gregory last summer in his home town of NYC and really appreciate the effort he made for this interview. I also want to thank Jonathan Minton at Word For/ Word for being kind enough to publish it.
If you are interested in who I am and what drives me then this interview will answer most of your questions. It also explains much of the theory behind mathematical poetry. Check it out here
Posted by Kaz Maslanka at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino, interview, Kaz Maslanka, reflexive didactic