Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Friday, December 05, 2014

The Definitely Indefinite Future - byConnie Tettenborn

Here is a new one by Connie Tettenborn

Wednesday, December 03, 2014


Here is a proportional poem by Kaz Maslanka that points to the mechanics of commerce.

How Algorithms Shape Our World

Here is an interesting talk on the language of math getting out of control and having a mind of its own:

 Click Here

Well kind of having a mind of its own ;)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Singularity at Vulture Peak

This Similar Triangles Poem titled "Singularity at Vulture Peak"is a refinement from an earlier piece and is much more direct with what I want to express.  -Kaz

One vernacular translation for this mathematical expression is, "Enigma is to a flower dream as the truth is to the experience of a flower."

One may want to Google "Vulture Peak" to see what many say is the first transmission Zen from the Buddha.

Saturday, October 04, 2014

Friend by Anand Bora

Here is a new work by Anand Bora

Two works by Sulaiman Mackay

Here are two mathematical poems by Sulaiman Mackay:

Monday, September 29, 2014

Bridges Seoul - David Chappell and Intrinsic Coordinates

I was honored to be included in the Show at Bridges Seoul in September. Below is an image of the work I had in the show.

In addition, I would like to share the following link that is an collection of all of the mathematical-art expressions from that show.

One of my favorite pieces was the work of David Chappell. What I enjoy the most about his work is the complexity that he achieves with such simple equations. In addition I find intrinsic coordinate systems fascinating.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

La Logic Assassine by Adon Lacroix

Here is a visual poem with the intention of being a anti mathematical poem.

Design and type-set by man ray for the poem “La Logic Assassine” by Adon Lacroix, 1919

"ONE" acquired by the Gwacheon National Science Museum (국립과천과학관)

I am pleased to mention that my mathematical visual poem "ONE" was recently acquired by the Gwacheon National Science Museum (국립과천과학관) in South Korea.

Karl Kempton - Meditation Formula

Here is something recent from Karl Kempton.

Disappointment - by Anonymous Poet

I found this orthogonal space poem at the following link. I have no idea who created it however, it follows the rules of an orthogonal space poem perfectly. It is also interesting to note that it was found on a Buddhist website ... Hmmm - even more interesting to me.

Sunday, August 03, 2014


Here is an 'Similar Triangles Poem" by Kaz Maslanka titled "Hwadu" --- in the vernacular it says that "Enigmas are to Ontology as The Song of Ancient Dreams are to the Sound of the Ocean" - Or a different syntax would be, "Enigmas are to the Song of Ancient Dreams as Ontology is to the Sound of the Ocean."

Kuniharu Shimizu

Here is a nice mathematical visual poem (Haiga) by Kuniharu Shimizu Brought to our attention by Karl Kempton through George Swede

I really like this piece - It reminds me of my struggles with depression, anxiety and suicide.  --- and the answer!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Substituting Proust


Every reader finds himself. The mathematical poets work is merely a kind of optical instrument that makes it possible for the reader to discern what, without this poem, he would perhaps never have seen in himself. -Marcel Proust, novelist (1871-1922) 
 I substituted the words "mathematical poet's" for the original word "writer's", furthermore, I substituted the word "poem" for the word "book" Kaz

Monday, June 16, 2014

Kazimir Malevich - The Suprematist Mirror

Thanks to Karl Kempton for bringing this to our attention:
Kazimir Malevich - The Suprematist Mirror

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Marius de Zayas & the Stieglitz Circle

Very interesting early work - I wish I had more precise information on what the variables represent.

These are very interesting links sent to me by Karl Kempton.

Link to information

and more:

Sunday, April 13, 2014

PolyAesthetic Mapping the Muses

Here is the image I used in the PAMM show at the Oceanside Museum of Art. The show will run until August 2, 2014
Our group is called PolyAesthetic Mapping the Muses - is part of a larger group show called the DNA of Creativity which was sponsored by the San Diego Visual Arts Network.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy

There is a Spanish Proverb that says: "An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy" Here is the mathematical version of that expression.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

April Should Be Mathematical Poetry Month

Future Tense at Slate just published an article (click here) with a argument that April should be "Mathematical Poetry Month" They used my poem "Sacrifice and Bliss".
Hey I think its a great idea :)

Visit the National Gallery of Writing