Monday, March 05, 2012


Sunday, January 08, 2012

The Monastic Path

This is an orthogonal space poem titled "The Monastic Path" inspired by 천진스님Chun Jin Sunim of the 통도사 Tongdosa Monastery in South Korea.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Thought For The Day

Only those things are beautiful which are inspired by madness and written by reason. -Andre Gide, author, Nobel laureate (1869-1951) 

Monday, December 05, 2011

Robert Fathauer Show in Hungary

My friend Robert Fathauer is having a show in Hungary check it out here

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Seems To Me

Morality is not a product of religion. Religion is a product of morality.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Connie Tettenborn's New Website

I would like to announce that Connie Tettenborn has a new site you can access it here

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Catalog Page For The Rhythm Of Structure

I had the pleasure to be a part of, "The Rhythm of Structure" poetry event in NYC in the summer of 2010. The John Sims project has had many branches and events over the last three years and is having a closing symposium at the Antioch College in November of 2011. Here is the page for the catalog that I originally made for John. The page shows four mathematical poems of which the bottom one is a substitution poem made by solving the previous two poems for the word "thinking" and setting both of those poems equal to each other and then solving for "Hell."


Here is a "Orthogonal Space Poem" titled Warmonger.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Celebrity

Here is a polyaesthetic piece with a proportional poem inside it. Yet I have made it to seem like a Orthogonal Space Poem with a ratio of Talent and Stupidity in the denominator.

The piece is titled "The Celebrity"

Friday, September 30, 2011

Don't Think About This

Here is a proportional poem titled "Don't Think About This"

Monday, August 22, 2011

The New Culture

This is a most significant time in human history where cultural identity is rapidly moving from geographic locations to physically disparate cadres bound by beliefs and passions.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Polyaesthetic Mapping

This may be one of the most important things that I have ever done - This is the culmination of ten years of thinking about the aesthetics of math/science and art. I have been working on this project to show how one can map any aesthetic experience into a clear concise system.

You can access it at this link

Art + Science at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery

ART + SCIENCE @ Escondido Municipal Art Gallery
August 9 thru Sept. 30, 2011 Join us at the intersection of Art and Science. This two month exhibition allows the collection of data as well as encouraging conversation about the technologies we use everyday. This exhibition is supported by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and the County of San Diego, Pam Slater-Price 3rd Dist. Supervisor

My Piece "Singularity" will be showing there.

If you are in the area please come to the opening Reception: Sat. Sept. 10, 5:30 - 8:30pm

Bridges Coimbra Portugal

The Bridges conference on mathematical connections in art music and science just finished in Coimbra Portugal. (July 2011) I am happy to been a part of the show where my piece singularity was displayed. There was a lot of beautiful work there and you can see the show at this link.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Here is some of my work at SCRIPT Literature's last frontiers.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Mathematical Prose

The 2004 image above is a mapping of Potential Energy to Kinetic Energy and addresses the mechanics of changing spiritual belief. Cognitive Behavioral Science is a great example of this process. I admit that the above work is a rough outline and needs more detail for one to fully grasp what I am pointing at. I plan to use this as a template for other work in the future with more detail.

I think a lot of what is on this blog might be considered mathematical prose (as well as the work displayed above) - it is certainly worth thinking about. On that thought - John Sims pointed me at the following link (here). The following quote came from mentioned link and I think it fits in well with this blog.

"Another way we might think about potential literature is via an analogy with potential and kinetic energy. If potential energy is stored in an object, then we might say that potential literature is embedded within a language. In the first case, the field of gravity would determine an object’s potential energy; in the case of literature, the field of memory would determine a work’s potentiality. Pushing the analogy further, we can compare the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy to the conversion of potential literature into real texts. In physics, that conversion is expressed through motion, in literature it is expressed through two related ludic activities, both of them realized at the level of the letter: the crafts of writing and reading with volition."

The quote speaks primarily of Oulipo however I think it can be said of many forms of experimental writing. While I am happy that Ouilpo has so much interest, I am a bit envious due to be believing that there could be a lot more experimentation with "Substitution in Mathematical Poetry" as well. While both are forms of experimental writing the approach language very differently even though I see both being rooted in formal science.

See "Disappearing Context" to add clarity to the images below.

Two similar triangles poems solved for money.

The two equations are set equal to each other

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I have been proposing this idea for years - I am glad someone is going to make it happen. Check out MoMath's web page here

Saturday, April 23, 2011

LitWorld In Celebration Of Poetry Month 2011

LitWorld invites you to add your voice to the Global Poem for Change at in celebration of Poetry Month 2011. Help our words soar around the world! Writer Naomi Shihab Nye has started off the poem with the first line: I send my words out into the air, listening for yours from everywhere. What comes next?

I contributed see below

Here is my contribution to the poem:

The accelerating Spiritual Tolerance of the world is equal to the change between your radiating atonement, to my radiating atonement divided by the change of continuously smaller increments of time.

Friday, April 22, 2011

14 Holidays Every Math Major Must Know

14 Holidays Every Math Major Must Know -click here

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The difference between Art and Science

Many of you know how I have been working on describing the differences between art and math - In the last few months it has become more and more solidified in my mind what the difference is - They have many things in common but it is the following statement that underscores their main difference.

The difference between the arts and sciences is that the former is cultural and the later is universal.

The above declaration is really an affront to the theory that most aesthetic expressions are polyaesthetic in nature. That is they contain facets or elements of more than one aesthetic category. Yet I believe that the categories of the sciences have its intentions in the universal even if it cannot be achieved at a philosophical level. Granted, I believe that the social sciences have the most difficult job achieving this goal. The physicist, David Bohm once said that physics is not interested in truth, yet, only interested in correlating experience. I believe that this experience that he talks about is an experience correlated across cultures. Human intentions are not to make sciences that work only for Tunisians, French or the Chinese. I have never seen a scientific paper that claims that these results only correlate experience for Canadians; although, if this were the case then the expression must be classified as art not science. Of course one can write a scientific paper for ones peer group (culture), but the ideas expressed ‘to’ that culture are not saying that they correlate experience solely ‘for’ that culture. If the “scientific” expression has cultural aspects then it becomes a polyaesthetic expression and contains aspects of art and is not fully scientific. (My point of course is that I doubt that anything is purely science or purely art)
When it comes to art one must know something of its culture to "get inside it" I purpose that when artists claim that art is universal they are really pointing at a scientific facet that is embedded in the cultural expression. Art history is full of examples of cultural expressions of pointing at social science archetypes.

Visit the National Gallery of Writing